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On August, 23rd, 2010 on a site interview with Beda - the president of motor club Bedouins MCC has been publishedOn August, 23rd, 2010 on a site interview to the Trouble - the president of motor club Bedouins MCC have been published:

«I would like, that old mutual assistance and a motor-brotherhood has returned. I would like, that conversations having under self have left cheap понты and empty, nothing. I would like, that people went, weren't afraid of difficulties, lived»
(Beda - Moto the traveler, the president of motor club Bedouins MCC who has passed 15 000 kilometers for one travel, one month, six seas and six countries).

I welcome, tell, how and when for you motor-life has begun?

— To go I has begun since fourteen years, twenty years ago, but motor-life it not to name - rural driving:) Though already then collected small grou ... Read more »
Category: Articles and publications | Views: 1432 | Added by: tymanka | Date: 23.08.2010 | Comments (1)

Sivoritcy 2010Bedouin Zombi participated in the XI Inter-Regional Bike Rock Festival, dedicated to the memory of Victor Tsoi. St. Petersburg Department of the motor club "Night Wolves" has traditionally had a Bike-Rock-Fest at the airport "Sivoritsy in the village of Nikolskoye (60-th km of the Kiev highway). Planes scoured the airspace, sometimes sinking so low over the scene that you could see every cog, desperate paratroopers jumped tirelessly, giving a certain charm to the evening. Kontsertnauyu program played the group: "December", "team contract", "Different people", "Troll Gnet El," "Theory", "Square uprising," "Scooter," "What else", "Psychedelic prism", "Harakiri "," Dizzy Jazz "," Signal ", ... Read more »
Category: Bike show, motor-meetings | Views: 759 | Added by: tymanka | Date: 13.08.2010 | Comments (0)

On August, 6-8th 2010, simply country motor-rest in Luga: shish kebabs, a bath, small riverWhen in the street a heat and intolerable closeness from city vanity a motor club "Bedouins MCC" have decided to disappear on motorcycles in the Luga area on a rural summer residence. Music, beer, heart-felt conversations, shish kebabs, the river, a bath, again the river! And the bath is especially actual, when houses have disconnected hot water. Were ate, drank, took a steam bath had a good swim, in general had smartly a rest!
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Category: Ride, motor-rest | Views: 797 | Added by: tymanka | Date: 06.08.2010 | Comments (0)

On August, 1st 2010, Club motor-departure in Semiozere on lake, shish kebabs In extraordinary beautiful places of the Vyborg area, the remarkable settlement Semiozere is located. There Bedouins with the companions also have gone to spend fine Sunday, to be bought and fry shish kebabs. However, these lakes more than seven, but seven - number happy, and fortunately all hoped. Silence; pure, fresh air; lakes, woods, fields, friends - and what is necessary to us?
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Category: Ride, motor-rest | Views: 870 | Added by: tymanka | Date: 01.08.2010 | Comments (0)

On June, 11th-August, 1st 2010, Motoottusk Beda and Tymanka: Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan7/3/2010 - start, 8/1/2010 - finish.
6 seas: Azov, Black, Caspian, Mediterranean, Dead and Red.
6 countries: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Russia:
6 republics (Adygea, Kabardino-Balkariya, the North Ossetia, Ingushetia, the Chechen Republic, Dagestan), 2 edges and 8 areas. From Tver Beda I have gone to village on мотике in the Tver region, and in Peter for work. Kilometric area of run of St.-Petersburg-Aqaba-St.-Petersburg ~ 15000 km. The trip budget ~ 75000 rbl. Article we write, it will be fast!
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Ro ... Read more »
Category: Trip, mototravel | Views: 1393 | Added by: tymanka | Date: 11.07.2010 | Comments (0)

"Бедуинс МСС" on ElbrusOn July, 3rd, 2010 "Bedouins MCC" as a part of 5 persons (Beda, Vados, Ezh, Muzykant, SkuAD) and Slava have gone to sea of Azov. Soon Ezh with Tanya have gone to relatives to settlement Levokumsky, Budenovsky area, SkuAD to Dombai, and remained have gone to submit Elbrus. And have subdued, let and not top, but all the same from the lift have left decently and have straightened a club flag of Bedouins. After Pyatigorsk all have gone already on the routes. Article in a writing stage.
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Category: Trip, mototravel | Views: 1378 | Added by: tymanka | Date: 03.07.2010 | Comments (1)

Count Ruins 2010On July, 2-4nd, 2010, the Car-MOTO Club "WANDERER" with support of administration of Dzerzhinsky rural settlement has organized Bajk Rok Fest on Count Ruins there is no time fine manor A.A.Polovtseva on the bank of Cheremenetsky lake. Traditionally most beautiful manors of noble family arose near reservoirs - aren't present, not for bathing, and for composite completeness. However for participants of festival the lake was an outlet, rescue from exhausting heat and heat. Elektronik and Zombi (Bedouins MCC) also couldn't refuse to in pleasure to swim for a while. Action has passed on hurrah, competitions, music, general fun and a bathing.
Afflicted perhaps only decadent conditions of a monument of local value.
During the Second World War in 1944 palace has been blown up, but palace ruins remain till now majestic. After war the manor rests are disassembled by lo ... Read more »
Category: Bike show, motor-meetings | Views: 921 | Added by: tymanka | Date: 02.07.2010 | Comments (0)

Bikers StreetThree "Bedouins", namely, Beda, Vados and Rustik have visited YOUTH FESTIVAL «Bikers Street» within the limits of celebrating of Day of Youth from" Night Cats МСС ". Fate-kontser, historical reconstruction, глотатели fire, competitions.

Category: Bike show, motor-meetings | Views: 1145 | Added by: tymanka | Date: 25.06.2010 | Comments (0)

Motofestival"Bedouins MCC" consisting of 6 persons have called for "Gatchina Motors" on an annual motofestival Komsomolskaya meadow on the river bank Oredezh in the village. Novosiversky Gatchina district, Leningrad region. The event is a cozy white, almost home. Contests, music. In the past year have not been on KP, so do not know exactly what to expect but honestly expect a few more. Places in the program have been failures, the moments of the absence of any cultural and entertainment of the action is alarming. But it is our subjective opinion, it is probably due to the fact that the bike shoy we arrived one day. Still, when the suit camp surroundings vosprinimash differently. We also remember the day joining the club in 1913 Membury, Igor (Musician) was solemnly dedicated to the Bedouins, and he was awarded the color of the club. And I personally remember thi ... Read more »
Category: Ride, motor-rest | Views: 1058 | Added by: tymanka | Date: 18.06.2010 | Comments (0)

Fortress Korella Priozersk Ezh and Zombi with a companion and went to Muzykant Priozersk visit the medieval fortress and the historical museum "Fortress Korella" located in its premises. In the ancient fortress on the island was Korella Vuoksa river, but it is interesting that, over time, due to lowering water levels in the river, one of the branches of an ancient dry riverbed, and the fortress was not on the island and on the headland.

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Category: Ride, motor-rest | Views: 919 | Added by: tymanka | Date: 14.06.2010 | Comments (1)

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