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Main » 2012 » May » 26
MOTO CARNIVAL 2012 from Werewolf МСPhoto:

VIII International St. Petersburg
MotoKarnaval 2012, May 26, 2012 City Day
12.00 Start building festive motokolonny
Plot Ligovsky prospect of Soviet 2nd Street. to pl. uprising
14.00 Start Motokarnavala
Traditional holiday costume motoparad on Nevsky pr
14.15 Stop - show on Nevsky Prospect
Commemorative photo shoot. Stunt riding show from leading motosportsmenov Peter
15.00 Arrival motokolonny holiday in Club House (Pioneer Street. 32)
Category: Bike show, motor-meetings | Views: 20808 | Added by: tymanka | Date: 26.05.2012 | Comments (0)

May 26, 2012 will be held VII International Festival «BIKE WEEKEND» for the time-proved place - in the Pushkin district of Moscow region on the 5-kilometer highway Krasnoarmeyskiy (Levkovskaya Mountain).

On this day in the meadow will meet from 8 to 10 thousand people to socialize, relax and listen to good music. First of all, music festival, so the lawn is established large stage (20 x 10 m), 60 watt and 70 watt audio world. And, of course, at this stage by the famou ... Read more »
Category: Bike show, motor-meetings | Views: 881 | Added by: tymanka | Date: 26.05.2012 | Comments (0)

«  May 2012  »
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